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October 2019
A loop between Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow
I arrived expecting fog. What I found was the gloom of a heavy overcast that brought the day closer to night than noon. My camera complains but I’m okay with it. This is the first time I’ve been out of the city this year. When I was young, excuses could always be found for not doing something; there was always tomorrow. Now my tomorrows are being rationed out just as my aspirations grow infinite. Now every day is grand.
October 2019
A loop between Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow
What draws me back to a place? I could just as well be up in the mountains today where the vistas would be greater and autumn colors more intense. Instead I settle for rolling fields and wood lined brooks, but is this settling? Sometimes there are things deep inside us that tell us where we need to go, where we need to be. There is no explaining this.
November 2018
A loop between Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow
The wind has been wild, the rain fierce. The air has moved from dank to cold. I expected to find a ravaged land but was greeted instead by a flurry of bursting colors. Despite the rain of yellow and red, the bond between leaf and twig proved hard to break. There is no escaping the inevitable, but for today we can believe otherwise.
November 2016
A loop between Tarrytown and the Pocantico Hills
The day is about green, not the lush green of summer but those young hues yearning for the spotlight. All is ambition for they know not yet the perils of the coming seasons. Birds read from the script and their calls echo from one side of the valley to the other. Woodpeckers add accents to this dialog by drumming where they deem appropriate.
October 2016
A ramble through Yonkers
There are places along the Hudson that I’ve walked past for decades, knowing them in no other state than in ruins. Some of these are now being reclaimed, being cleaned up and made safe and sometimes even usable again. It’s hard to deny this is a good thing but it is also a severe shock to my system. How do I internalize these changes when I’ve grown to love the ugly?
May 2016
A loop between Tarrytown and the Pocantico Hills
Returning to trails I haven’t walked down for decades, I find myself at a loss. There is nothing at all familiar about them even though any change must be minimal. I raise my camera at a clearing to shoot some distant trees. As I struggle with the composition memories come flooding back. I have had this same problem composing in this exact spot before.
May 2016
A ramble in Tarrytown
Tarrytown has tended to be a transit point for me rather than a destination. As such there is an inclination to stick to familiar efficient paths. Today I wander on streets not for what they hold but simply because they are new to me. Gems come in all shapes, colors and sizes.

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